Photo © Dennis Keeley 1995 (A&M Records)
Scroll down for the newest ones!
The Man in the Tower
Tom Robbins considers the Man in the Tower (1995)
The Future
A Reading of the Future, an essay by Heidi Nelson Hochenedel, Ph. D. (Oregon, USA)
Jazz Police
Jason Murray, Canada, analyses Jazz Police (a song on I'm Your Man album, 1987)
Light as the Breeze
Pagan Imagery in the Work of a Modern Troubadour, another essay by Heidi Nelson Hochenedel
The Future (album)
David G Whiteis writes about the Future album (1992)
Natural Born Killers
"Get ready for the future: it is murder". Ted Ekering analyzes the movie.
You Probably Think This Song Is about You:
Suzanne Verdal McCallister was interviewed by Kate Saunders for BBC Radio 4.
Rigelhof on Cohen
The Fiction of Leonard Cohen:
T.F. Rigelhof's article (1998)
Abstraction and Ambiguity in the Lyrics of Leonard Cohen
by Jeffrey Side (Nov 1 ,1998)
Rigelhof on The Favourite Game
T.F. Rigelhof's article from The Globe and Mail (January 2000)
Waiting for the miracle
by Michael Dube (May 2001)
Beautiful Loser, Beautiful Comeback
by Judith Fitzgerald (March 2001) - Review of Harry Rasky's and David Sheppard's new books.
Under the Spell of Stranger Music
Paul Monk explores the depths of Leonard Cohen's lyrical Judaism (June 2001)
The Beautiful Losers Walkthrough
Geoffrey Wren dismantles Leonard's Cohen's second, complex novel (September 2001)
Notes Towards A Definition Of A Masterpiece:
Ten New Songs From Sharon Robinson And Leonard Cohen
Judith Fitzgerald explores the roots of the new album (February 2002)
Ten Reasons to Toast Him on His Birthday
by Stephen Scobie (September 2002)
The Essential Leonard Cohen
by Pico Iyer (October 2002)
Illustrated with a selection of
magazine covers 1970-2001
Master Song
A Little More on Leonard Cohen's "Master Song"
by Judith Fiztgerald (December 2002)
The Moon, A poem by Leonard Cohen
analysis by Judith Fitzgerald (June 2003)
Leonard Cohen, Los Angeles 1992
Extract from the book "Songwriters on Songwriting" by Paul Zollo
HallelujahThe story of one particular song
by Bryan Appleyard
I'm Your Man - the movie
Review by Walter Mosley
Ira Nadel: Various Positions
Review by Doron B. Cohen (pdf file)
The Strange Case of Leonard Cohen
Dissertation by Beatie Wolfe Watson (pdf file)
Anthony Reynolds: Leonard Cohen - A Remarkable Life
The new biography reviewed by Doron Cohen (pdf file)
Speaking Sweetly from The Window
Reading Leonard Cohen’s Song, by Doron B Cohen (pdf file)
Monastic in his [own] way: Thomas Merton and Leonard Cohen
by Donald Grayston (pdf file)
The Unified Heart and The Blessing to End Disunity
David Peloquin discusses the spiritual themes in LC's songs (pdf file)
Sylvie Simmons: I'm Your Man
Review by Doron Cohen of the 2012 biography (pdf file)
So long, Marianne - A Story of Love and Separation
Doron Cohen's review of So Long, Marianne: A Love Story by Kari Hesthamar (pdf file)
Interview with Roscoe Beck
Interview with Javier Mas and Alexandru Bublitchi
Two intimate interviews with Leonard's musicians by Francis Mus (pdf files)
The Song of Initiation by Leonard Cohen
This paper by Jiří Měsíc examines the spiritual contexts in the work of Cohen (pdf file, 11 MB, 20+5 pages)
Lessons from a Master
Michael Bromfield explores one of the most memorable tours in the history of popular music (pdf file)
The Hallelujah Effect by Babette Babich: Philosophical Reflections on Music, Performance Practice, and Technology.
Review by Jiří Měsíc (pdf file)
Jeff Burger: Leonard Cohen on Leonard Cohen - Interviews and Encounters.
Review by Jiří Měsíc (pdf file)
Thomas Merton and Leonard Cohen: Soul-Brothers and Spiritual Guides
by Donald Grayston (pdf file)
Leonard Cohen, find me, I'm almost thirty
by Amit Ranjan, The Equator Line, New Delhi, India (pdf file)
The Prayers of Leonard Cohen: If It Be Your Will
by Doron B. Cohen (pdf file)
Leonard Cohen’s “Last Years Man” in the light of
William Blake’s “Illustrations of the Book of Job”
by Chris Wilde (pdf file)
Smudging the Air - The Lyrics of Leonard Cohen
Teresa Quayle's book reviewed by Doron B. Cohen (pdf file)
Leonard Cohen, The Priest of a Catacomb Religion
Jiří Měsíc's article in Moravian Journal of Literature and Film 6.1 (2015): 29-47 (pdf file)
Leonard Cohen: The Modern Troubadour
Jiří Měsíc's article in American and British Studies Annual 9 (2016): 134-46 (pdf file)
Hallelujah: Leonard Cohen's song in the perspective of a semio-cognitive poeticsStudy by Per Aage Brandt and Ulf Cronquist (pdf file, 2017)
Leonard Cohen, Philosopher
Lecture by Professor Philip W Rosemann, National University of Ireland, Maynooth (pdf file, 2018)
The Nature of Love in the Work of Leonard Cohen
Article by Jiří Měsíc, Journal of Popular Romance Studies, October 2018 (pdf file)
Songs From A Room
Harvey Kubernik writes about Leonard Cohen's second album, released 50 years ago in April 1969 (pdf file, February 2019).
Betraying What is Necessary
A Depth Psychological Interpretation of “The Traitor”, paper by Gabriel Gould (pdf file, January 2021).
Leonard Cohen’s “Suzanne” and Perfect Bodies
Essay by Chris Wilde (pdf file, July 2021).
At Leonard’s last night and After Leonard’s last night
Essay by Greg George (pdf file, October 2021).
Passion, darkness and spirituality: a look underneath our need for connection
Article by Jill Kenny (pdf file, November 2024).
This section of the Cohen files is an open forum for all of us
who are interested in the profound meanings of Cohen's lyrics.
If you have written an analysis on Cohen's songs, let our other
visitors read and comment your efforts! Contact Jarkko.