(Church of the Holy Cross)
Jan Erik Lundqvist sings "Take this waltz" in Swedish
Hit ESC button to stop the music
Die Sieben Leben, Germany
"The Seven Lives" was earlier known as Folklaender and later Bierfiedler.
They had been spearheading the folk revival in the east of Germany since 1976 and were - despite of
their quasi-underground status - the biggest selling folk band in what used to be DDR
(German Democratic Republic). The line-ups of the band has changed several times from pure acoustic folk to folk rock
and covers of international artists like Leonard Cohen, while still retaining a penchant for their own traditional folk music.
For more info, visit www.diesiebenleben.de
The set list on Friday included Everybody knows, Sisters of mercy and Dance me to the end of love

Ann Vriend, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Singer-songwriter Ann Vriend discovered the music of Leonard Cohen through her
parents' music collection. A self-professed fan of Mr. Cohen,
Ann cites him as one of her major influences in her own
songwriting. Ann has released two albums, both entirely self-written. Ann is a rising star in both Canada and Australia,
and has toured extensively in both countries, as well as in the
U.S. This was her first performance in Europe. She will be one of
the top performers at the next Leonard Cohen Event in Edmonton 2006.
For more info, visit www.annvriend.com
Ann did the following songs: Coming back to you, I'm your man, Bird on a wire
Zachary Oberzan, New York
Zachary is a singer/songwriter, actor, and film/theater artist. He is a co-founder of New York City's acclaimed avant-garde ensemble, Nature
Theater of Oklahoma, and has performed several works Off-Broadway and internationally. Zachary's latest CD is Athletes of Romance.
We also remember him from the New York Event in 2004.
For more info, visit www.zacharyoberzan.com
Zachary did The Future, Chelsea Hotel 1 & 2 + There’s no reason why you should remember me, Let's sing another song

Wendy McNeill, Edmonton, Canada
Described as an artist that creates "deep, dark, twisted tales"
and "wise, moving music" Wendy has been steadily gaining
acclaim for her dynamic and engaging live performance.
Alternating between the raucously catchy and emotionally
searing to the sweet and sorrowful, her guitar and accordionladen
tunes take the listener on a journey into
the past while at the same time they plunge us irresistibly into
the always challenging and joyous vortex of the modern.
Wendy has recently relocated to Paris and is busy touring
Europe. Her website is at www.wendymcneill.com.
Wendy's songs on Friday: Sisters of mercy, Take this waltz, If it be your will


E. Michael Brauner, Austria
E. Michael, an Austrian journalist, played in his wild years in the
hardrock group nervous breakdown. From Bob Dylan over
Donovan and Johnny Cash he came to Leonard Cohen. He
was fascinated by the music and the lyrics of this rock poet. At
first it was only a technical challenge on the guitar, only later
he also dared to sing Cohen's songs. With passion and devotion the
Viennese minstrel interprets with his fellow musicians the ballades of Cohen.
Marie Therese, his daughter, introduces the songs by reading some of the
lyrics. After giving Cohen tribute concerts to full houses in Austria.
E. Michael
and his band performed the following songs: Who by fire, Tonight will be fine, Partisan

Laura Facci, Italy
Laura Facci lives in Verona. She is a songwriter,
performer, expert in modern singing,
research and improvisation, and
author and director of musical and
theatrical events. Her concerts have
featured acoustic versions of some
of Cohen's covers from the album
"Co(m)me trad(u)ire L. C." by Orlandi
and Poltronieri ever since it was released in 2003.
Visit Laura's website at www.laurafacci.it.
Laura's sang three songs: Love itself, The Window, Lover lover lover

Jan Erik Lundqvist & band, Sweden
Jan Erik has been one of the symbols of our Leonard Cohen Events ever since he stepped out of the blue onto the stage in Montreal in 2000.
He sings in Swedish - no, he
doesn't just sing Cohen; he
breathes the music from every pore.
Jan Erik has toured in Scandinavia and Germany and has released two tribute albums with his own translations of Leonard's songs.
For more info, go to www.janeriklundqvist.com.
Jan Erik's band sang Famous blue raincoat, The gypsy's wife, Take this waltz, Hallelujah, Hey, that's no way to say goodbye
Photos © 2006 Eija Arjatsalo except
small photos of Zachary and Wendy © 2006 Kim Solez
Texts from the Event booklet