AUGUST 5-7, 2022
Logo designed by Nele Janssen
The hummingbird designed by Dianne Lawrence.
Check our Forum to learn more about the Event! here
Photo and video show created by Wijbe Lageveen (from his website)
The Event Booklet created by Maarten Massa (pdf file, 72 pages)
Don't miss our future gatherings:
Our next Hydra meetup has been re-scheduled to Friday May 26 until Sunday May 28, 2023.
More here
The next Leonard Cohen Event will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark, in August 2024. Marianne Nielsen will be the organizer. More info to follow!
Program of the Ghent Event:
The Golden Glows - The Songbook of Harry Smith (concert)
Rags & Feathers - Sleepy Golden Storm (concert with Leonard Cohen covers)
Old Salt - International Ghent based Americana band (concert)
Martin Kubetz - Kubetz sings Cohen (concert with Leonard Cohen covers)
Little Axel (film about Axel Joachim Jensen, Marianne Ihlen's son)
Leonard Cohen Live In Ghent (professional recording concert film)
Leonard Cohen & psychiatry: an afternoon at Museum Dr. Guislain with:
Discussion panel
Rare audio material, video footage and more
Guided visit to the museum
Marilyn Ambach: On touring with Leonard Cohen (speaker)
Jiri Mesic: Leonard Cohen, the modern troubadour (speaker)
Guided city walking tour
Guided boat tour
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Here is the original invitation to our Event (posted in Summer 2018):

Discuss the Event here on our Forum
Last edited after the Event on August 21, 2022