by Aubrey L. Glazer

Tangle of Matter & Ghost - Leonard Cohen's Post-Secular Songbook of Mysticism(s) Jewish & Beyond
Aubrey L. Glazer
Country & Year
USA 2017
Academic Studies Press, Brighton, MA, USA
Series: New Perspectives in Post-Rabbinic Judaism
334 pages. Hardcover.
ISBN 9781618115492
Publisher's description:
"[Aubrey Glazer] analyzes the lyrical poetry of Leonard Cohen through a post-secular lens. The volume fuses sophisticated theory and popular culture with critical analysis that is lacking in most of the rock n’ roll biographies about Leonard Cohen. How does this mystical maestro’s songbook emerge to illuminate questions of meaning making in a post-secular context when correlated with thinkers like Charles Taylor, Edward S. Casey, Jurgen Habermas, Slavoj Žižek, Jeffrey Kripal and Harold Bloom along with others. Cohen’s mysticism is also analyzed in relationship to Kabbalah, Hasidism and Rinzai Buddhism. Tangle of Matter & Ghost presents a unique inter-disciplinary approach to Jewish philosophy and literary studies with wide appeal for diverse audiences and readership."
Aubrey L. Glazer, Ph.D. (University of Toronto) is rabbi of Congregation Beth Sholom, San Francisco. His latest books have been dedicated to exploring Jewish philosophy in different contexts.
The author was permitted to consult and use Leonard Cohen's Archive, housed at the Thomas Fischer Rare Book Room, University of Toronto.
Preface: Shaul Magid
Chapter 1: Prelude: New Skin for Post-Secular Philosophy of Circum/fession
Chapter 2: On Exile As Redemption in (Canadian) Jewish Mysticism
Chapter 3: From Darkness, A Love of All This: Seeking Sacred in Post-Secular Song
Chapter 4: Tangle of Matter & Ghost: Objective Spirit & Non-Dual Reality
Chapter 5: A Question of Pure Consciousness in the Priestly Blessing of Love
Chapter 6: Amen to American Agnosticism
Chapter 7: Nothing as Whole as a Broken Middle Matzah
Chapter 8: Falling with Our Angels, So Human
Chapter 9: “An Appetite for Something Like Religion”: Unbinding the Binding of Isaac, Jesus Christ & Joan of Arc through Zen
Chapter 10: Standing Where There Used to Be a Street: 9/11 Post-Secularism & Sacred Song
Chapter 11: Never Mind this Neuzeit, Here’s Kaddish: Between the Nameless & the Name
Chapter 12: Coda: A Philosophy of Post-Secular Song in Light of Piyyut as a Cultural Lens
Postface: Elliot R. Wolfson
Thanks to Academic Press for the book