* since 1973-74 Leonard Cohen takes part of my life…
* in ups and downs…his presence is always close to me…
* for many years I felt alone with this passion…
* nobody around to share Leonard’s existence, music, words, …
* but I continued for myself …….. in my secret life
* after many years I happily discovered not to be alone with my longing
and things have changed
* the fantastic Leonard Cohen Files allowed me,
* to meet other Cohenites all over the world and to share this undescribable passion with other Beautiful Losers
* to get updated about Leonard Cohen’s life and to deepen my knowledge about all his works in countless pages and links…
* and to make his presence feeling closer…
* and now after this special HYDRA EXPERIENCE , having met so many same-minded people on Leonard’s Hydra in my real life…
* it seems ... that a wonderful dream… of my secret life ...has become reality
* my passion has been crowned by this experience … … I just feel something magic has happened to me, to my soul
* thank you Leonard, thank you Jarkko, thank you all cohenites all over the world…
… let’s dance us to the end of love…