Eve (Homeward), Chicago, USA
I've got to do it - April, 2002
It is totally irrational and guaranteed to be unforgettable. I am young and relatively unencumbered.
I've got to do it. I want to have fun, see friends and enjoy Leonard. If not now, when?
My late grandmother was Greek. When I finally made up my mind (with Henning's help) to go, I saw her leap into heavenly ether with joy. She
was wild and crazy and beautiful and, I know, overjoyed at the idea. What a wonderful union of the senses and ancestors!
But Hydra will be more than a kind of homecoming for everyone's favorite wayward Olympian goddess. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the blue and white of an ancient land- and seascape and share the laughter of a transient present against a soundtrack of the timeless music and poetry of our favorite transplanted Hydran and true Renaissance man.
Of course, I'm certain there will be drunken revelry and flirtations with skin cancer, but in the spirit of camaraderie I have it on excellent authority (see aforementioned heavenly ether) that a good time will be had by all. Magic is afoot - see you!
Songs from the Time of my Life on Hydra - July 8, 2002
Body surfing in buoyant waters every day
The sands of time were falling From your finger and your thumb…
Cohen spelled with a kappa, as there is no 'C' in Greek
The holy one dreams of a letter Dreams of a letter's death Bless the continuous stutter Of the Word being made into flesh…
Receiving candied oranges from Evangelia
And she feeds you tea and oranges that come all the way from China…
Henning playing guitar at breakfast
I heard there was a secret chord that David played and it pleased the Lord…
Leonard onscreen between two painted icons
O draw us near And bind us tight All your children here In their rags of light…
Drinking rainwater at the mountaintop monastery
And like a blessing from heaven For something like a second I was healed and my heart was at ease…
Screaming while the donkey upon which I ride takes on the stairs
Looks like freedom but it feels like death…
Yogurt and honey in the morning, octopus in vinegar with a glass of retsina at midday, and a euro souvlaki in the middle of the night
I stand before the lord of song with nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah!
Kim on the boat, taking out his cell phone and reporting, 'Aha! We still have a signal!'
But they've summoned up a thundercloud They're going to hear from me…
Suzanne Holland vowing to move to another part of the island after being silenced by the local constabulary
I've practiced every night and now I'm ready First we take Manhattan Then we take Berlin…
Nighttime on the harbor, veil swirling, as the documentary filmmaker from the National Film Board of Canada interviews me about what he perceives as my dancing's 'effect on men'
And her dress was blue and silver And her words were few and small She is the vessel of the whole wide world Mistress, o mistress of us all…
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Richard Cooper singing 'Memories' while Sarah, Julia and I doo-wop
Frankie Laine was singing 'Jezebel'…
Caring about the World Cup for the first time in my American life
But my son and my daughter Climb out of the water Saying 'Papa, you promised to play!'
Buying fruit at Four Corners
Yeah the summer's gone but a lot goes on forever…
Coral reefs, happy fish and infinitely clear waters
If it be your will If there is a choice Let the rivers fill Let the hills rejoice…
Falling stars over water in a moonless sky
The sun pours down like honey On Our Lady of the Harbour…
The jeweler who bought me a cup of coffee and told me his life story after I bought a ring from him
There ain't no drink no drug there's nothing pure enough to be a cure for love…
Black-clad widows tending their gardens under the hot Mediterranean sun
O the Sisters of Mercy they are not departed or gone…
Bouzouki dancing out of step at the Sunset Restaurant
And the whole damn place goes crazy twice Once for the Devil Once for the Christ…
Being embraced by locals everywhere as a fellow 'good friend of Len'
I can't forget I can't forget I can't forget but I don't remember who…
Seeing Kadir's poster everywhere
There were lots of invitations And I know you sent me some…
A boat playing 'Ten New Songs' as we wade in the surf
All busy in the sunlight The flecks did float and dance…
Toasting Terpsichore with ouzo after turning my ankle right before my dance
Here is your wine And your drunken fall And here is your love Your love for it all…
Smiling at every bird on every wire, wondering if that one is a descendant of…?
Like a bird on a wire Like a drunk in a midnight choir I have tried in my way to be free…
Being greeted, then greeting others, at the Dolphin
You'd been to the station to meet every train…
A twilight visit and a clandestine climb
One by one the guests are cast Beyond the garden wall…
Photos from Eve's album. Photo 2: Eve's belly-dance
to "Lover Lover Lover" accompanied by Joe Way (and Richard Cooper).