Clockwise, from the left: Sue Bull (New Zealand), Antonio Savi (Italy),
Barbara Mayer (Germany). On the right side: John Kelly (Spain),
John Pennifold (UK), Brett Moffatt (New Zealand)

Andrea V Janett and Esther Salzman (Switzerland)

Take This Waltz:
Rhonda Berg (Maine) and the very
special musician of Dousko's;
Ulla Lang and Axel Hansen (Denmark)

Jan Erik Lundqvist (Sweden) admires his local colleague

Celia Mayfield and Jim Devlin (UK)

We need the names!

Lais Hannaka (Brazil/Germany) and Adi Heindl (Germany),
Andrea Dolfino and Marinella Cutuli (Italy),
Jarkko Arjatsalo (Finland)

Please let us know the missing names!!!
Also the name of the gentleman on the right!
(Email Jarkko)

Title photos © Sue Silver
Table photo © Barbara Mayer
All other photos © Eija & Jarkko Arjatsalo