In 1957 Folkways Records released the "Six Montreal Poets" album
with A.J.M. Smith, Irving Layton, Louis Dudek, F.R. Scott, A.M. Klein,
and Leonard Cohen - all reading their own poetry on the record
Folkways Records was one of the largest independent record companies
of the mid-twentieth century. Founded by Moses Asch in 1947 and run as
an independent company until its sale to the Smithsonian Institution in 1987,
Folkways issued nearly 2,200 titles of folk and traditional music from
America and other countries, literature, poetry and documentaries.
The Smithsonian Institution keeps every title of Folkways in print and
available for purchase. "Six Montreal Poets", an audio cassette in
a nice box (with lyrics and the complete liner notes from the original LP),
is a copy of the original Folkways master tape. Now also availabe on CD.
If you want to have this historical recording of great interest, write to
Smithsonian/Folkways Mail Order, 4955 L'Enfant Plaza, Ste 7300, MRC 953,
Washington, DC 20560, USA, or phone 800-410-9815 (orders only).
Fax (+1-)-202-287 7299. Email
Credit card orders accepted. The price of the CD is 16,98 Can$ and postage (in October 2007).
The product code is 09805, re-issued in 1991.
Leonard Cohen reads the following poems (recorded in 1957):
For Wilf and his house (1955)
Beside the shepherd (1956)
Poem (1955)
Lovers (1955)
The sparrows (1955)
Warning (1956)
Les Vieus (1954)
Elegy (1955)
All poems are from "Let Us Compare Mythologies"
Folkways homepage
This record is now also available for download at Amazon in digitally remastered MP3 format. You may buy the whole album or just individual songs.
UPDATE 2012:

Now also available as an audio CD
UPDATE 2014:

Another CD released in Europe by ZYX Music, Germany, in 2014. New cover, and the order of the poets has been changed.