Matej Krajnc
Croatia/Slovenia 2014
1. Suzanne
2. Sisters of Mercy/Sestri usmiljenki
3. Hey that’s no way to say goodbye/Hej, menda ne bova takole šla vsak svojo pot
4. One of us cannot be wrong/Eden od naju mora imeti prav
5. Bird on the wire/Ptica na žici
6. Lady midnight/Dama Polnoč
7. Chelsea Hotel #2/Hotel Chelsea #2
8. Dance me to the end of love/Ko v ljubezni kloniva/
9. Hallelujah/Alleluja
10. Anthem/Himna
The album was issued by independent music record label »Slušaj najglasnije!« in Zagreb, Croatia. All songs in Slovenian.
Thanks to Branko Krzisnik for the information