Photo © Lorca Cohen, Los Angeles 2004
Some nostalgy for our visitors:
The "WayBack Machine" has one
instance of "The Leonard Cohen Files"
archived, exactly as it was
on June 07, 1997
The Files 20 years Invitation to our Logo competition (July 2015)
The Files 20 years Winners of the Anniversary Competition and selection of the Logos designed by our members (September 2015)
Our Very Special Guest by Diane and Padma (Leonard comes to our meetup in London, October 2007)
Meeting at the Montreal Jazz Festrival by Linda and Dick Straub (June 2006)
Meeting with Leonard Kim Solez reports from Montreal (November 2005)
Interview with the webmaster. How this website was born (October 2005)
Links to all Leonard Cohen sites and a selection of other Cohen information available on-line
I Stepped Into An Avalanche - History of Leonard Cohen Events (June 2004)
Our Man On-Line. Jarkko Arjatsalo summarizes the short history of Leonard Cohen information on the Net
History of Them All. Geoffrey Wren explorers Leonard Cohen mailing lists and newsgroups
Counting Down to Cohen's Return. Sarah Elton writes about the Leonard Cohen Files in The Toronto Star (October 15, 2000)
Leonard Cohen Redux - Angst for the memories. Leonard Cohen & Internet, by Alex Beam in The Boston Globe (August 23, 2000)
Bird on the wires. Ira B. Nadel's article from the Saturday Night Magazine (July 8, 2000)
The Digital Landmark. Planete Internet outlines the on-line activities around Leonard Cohen (December, 1997)
Leonard in the Chatroom. A pleasant surprise in the Chatroom (October, 2001)
Internet is a Good Vehicle - Interview with Leonard Cohen about Internet (December 2002)