Created by Dominique Boile, Maarten Massa & Jarkko Arjatsalo
Magazines from 1960's and 70's on this first page
Magazines from 1980's and 90's on the second page
Magazines from 2000-2009 on the third page
Magazines from 2010-October 2016 on the fourth page
Magazines from November 2016 on the fifth page
Your contributions to this Magazine Gallery
are always welcome - please contact

Saturday Night, Canada
June 1969
Inside story: 10 pages with b/w photos

Time Out, UK
May 2 to 16, 1970
Inside story: (no)

Melody Maker, UK
May 23, 1970
Inside story: (no)

Melody Maker, UK
June 20, 1970
Inside story: (no)
(DB, JA)

The Music Scene, Canada
Issue # 258, March-April 1971
Inside story: (interview)

Together, UK (Free music magazine published by CBS)
Issue # 1, April 1971
Inside story: none

Mundo da cancao, Portugal
Issue 22, September 20, 1971
Inside story: 1,5 pages with one photo

Superhebdo Pop Music (weekly magazine), France
April 13, 1972
Inside story: none

Issue 14, April 7, 1972

OOR, Holland
Tweede jaar, nummer 6, 1972
Inside story: 4 pages with 4 b/w photos

Maclean's, Canada
June, 1972
Inside story: 6 pages with 2 small black & white photos and 1 full page color photo.

Beetle, monthly magazine, Canada
August 1973 (Volume 5, issue 1)
Inside story: 4 pages with 2 b/w photos

Playbill Magazine, USA
Volume 10, September 1973
Inside story: 9 pages

Rock & Folk, France
Issue 92, September, 1974
Inside story: 7 pages with one color and two b/w photos

El Musiquero, Spain
Issue 47, October 19, 1974

Vibraciones, Spain
Issue 2, Volume 1, November 1974
Inside story: 4 pages with b/w photos

Soho News, USA
Issue 9, vol 1, December 5, 1974

Fallout, USA
March 4-17, 1975
Inside story: interview (4 pages), ad (2 pages), concert review (2 pages)

T'Liedboek, Belgium
Issue 42, July 1976
Inside story: 6 page interview with b/w photos

Rock & Folk, France
Issue 114, July 1976
Inside story: 14 pages, including 2 full-page pictures, 1 centerfold poster (2 pages) and 2 smaller pictures

Sounds, Germany
November 1976
Inside story: 5 pages with 3 color and b/w photos

Rock & Folk, France
Issue 131, December 1977
Inside story: 6 pages with color & b/w photos

Books in Canada, Canada
Number 8, October, 1978
The cover is a caricature by Phil Mallette
Inside story: A 2 page review of Death of a Lady's Man
Magazines from 1960's and 70's on this first page
Magazines from 1980's and 90's on the second page
Magazines from 2000-2009 on the third page
Magazines from 2010-October 2016 on the fourth page
Magazines from November 2016 on the fifth page
This Gallery was created by
Dominique Boile (DB), Maarten Massa (MM), Jarkko Arjatsalo (JA)
Other contributors:
Barbara Mayer (BM), Eric Stapleton (ES), John McDonald (JM), John Etherington (JE),
Jim Devlin (JD), Julio Frias (JF), Jochen Grywatsch (JG), Jonathan "Bartleby" (JB),
Hanna Szustakowska (HS), Charles A. Mackenzie (CM), Alexandre Marino (AM),
Beata Woloszyn (BW), Gurinder Brar (GB), John McLean (JML), Sunil Kapur (SJ),
Pierre-Jean Crittin, Dave Curless (DC), Henning Franz (HF), Richard Groulx (RG),
Patrick Younes (PY), Laura Nicolaescu (LN), Richard Cooper(RC), Maria Punnonen (MP)
Andy Jones (AJ), Sally Hunter (SH), Andrea Dolfino (AD), Jerry Cavallerano (JC),
Daniel Granado (DG), Vlad Arghir (VA), Kadir Ercan (KE), Roman Gavrilin (RG),
Edlosi (E), Florian Schoenberge (FS), André De Bruyn (ADB), Ute Egle (UE),
Chengyi Chan (CC), Lola Stojanovic (LS), Einat (EA), Marie Mazur (MMz)
José Maria Vela (JMV), Tom Sakic (TS), Hans Kloss (HK), Wijbe Lageveen (WL),
Petri Kuivalainen (PK), Sophia Koutselini (SK), Yoeri (Y), Simon Moorehead (SM)
Mary Aaftink (MA), Jonathan Clague (JCL), Weiling Wan (WW), Jonathan Clague (JCL)
- I want to thank all other contributors who have sent me many
of these magazines or the scans over the years: Jim Devlin, Adi Heindl,
Andrea Dolfino, Anne Mitchell, Christof Graf, Lizzie Madder, Anne Riise (AR),
Marie Mazur, Tom Sakic, Judith Fitzgerald, and so many others... / Jarkko
Last update on September 23, 2020