Created by Dominique Boile, Maarten Massa & Jarkko Arjatsalo
Magazines from 1960's and 70's on the first page
Magazines from 1980's and 90's on this second page
Magazines from 2000-2009 on the third page
Magazines from 2010-October 2016 on the third page
Magazines from November 2016 on the fifth page

LAISHA Entertainment Magazine, Israel
November 1980

Spotlight, Germany
Issue April 4, 1981
Inside story: 1 page, 1 photo

Rock Storia E Musica, Italy
Issue # 25, 1983
Inside story: 32 pages with color and b/w photos
(The whole issue is dedicated to Leonard Cohen)

The Canadian Forum, Canada
(An Independent Journal of Opinion and the Arts)
Issue 731, volume LXIII, August/September 1983
Inside story: 5 pages including 4 pictures (b/w)

Paroles et Musiques, France
Issue # 33, October 1983
Inside story: 14 pages with photos

The Music Scene, Canada
Issue # 349, November-December, 1984
Inside story: 2 pages with 3 b/w photos

tip - BerlinMagazin, Germany
January 25, 1985
Inside story:
10 pages including 8 pages interview with b/w photos

Puls, Norway
Issue 1, 1985

Radar, weekly magazine, Poland
Issue 13, March 28, 1985
Inside story: 1 page

Blitz, Portugal
Issue 14, volume 1, February 5, 1985
Inside story: 2 pages

Non Stop, Poland
Issue 5 (151), volume 14, May 1985
Inside story: 1,5 pages with one b/w photo

Now, Toronto, Canada
Issue 35, Vol. 4, May 9-15th, 1985
(We would need a better scan!)

TR7, Germany
Issue 37, September 9-15, 1985

Music Connection, USA
Issue 7, Vol XI, April 6-19, 1987
Inside story: 9 pages with one 7 b/w photos

Talk, Norway
Issue 3, 1988

59 to 1, Germany
Issue 20, April/May 1988
Inside story: 3 page interview

ZEITmagazin, Germany
May 27, 1988
Inside story: 3 pages b/w photos

Rock de Lux, Spain
May 1988
Inside story: 4 pages b/w photos

El Periodico, Spain
May 8, 1988
Inside story: 4 pages with color photos
(JF, DC)

Rock!, Yugoslavia
Issue # 112, June 1988
Inside story: 3 pages and 6 color and b/w photos

Mirror, Montreal, Canada
Issue 4, July 29, 1988
(RG, RC)

Voir, Montreal, Canada
No. 35, Vol. 2, August 2, 1988

Rock, Spain
Issue/fascicle 3, Volume 1, 1989
Inside story: 1/2 page including 1 color picture
(the story continues in fascicle 4 where there are 3 more pages, including 5 pictures)

Canadian Fiction Magazine, Canada
20th Anniversary Issue, # 74/5, 1991
Inside story: no

Les Inrockuptibles, France
Issue # 30, 1991
Inside story: 23 pages, including 1 full-page b/w picture and about 14 smaller b/w pictures

Los Inrockuptibles, Spain
December 1991
Inside story: 23 pages with b/w photos

Montreal Mirror, Canada
December 12, 1991

Buscadero, a monthly rock magazine, Italy
Issue 121, January 1992
Inside story: 3 pages with color photo

Night Howl, UK
Issue 11, February 19-26, 1992
Inside story: 2 pages with 2 photos

Telerama, France
Issue 2234, November 4 to 10, 1992
Inside story: 3 pages with color photo

OZ, Greece
December 4, issue # 54, 1992
Inside story: 2 pages

Goldmine, USA
Issue 328, no. 4, volume 19, February 19, 1993
Inside story: 12 pages, incuding 1 full-page b/w picture and 14 smaller b/w pictures

Live, Saarland, Germany
Issue 2, February 1993
Inside story: 4 pages with three photos

Saturday Night, Canada
March 1993

The Independent Magazine, UK
May 8, 1993
Inside story: 3 pages

Good News Magazin, Switzerland
Issue May 1993
Inside story: 4 pages

Performance Magazine, Canada
Issue June 16-18, 1993
Inside story: 4 pages with 2 b/w photos

Voir, Montreal, Canada
No. 1, Vol. 7, November 26, 1993

Shambhala Sun, USA
January 1994
Inside story: 6 pages, with 2 b&w photos

Venue, Canada
Winter 1994
Inside story: Interview, 7 pages with photos

Poprock, weekly rock magazine, Portugal
June 29, 1994

El Dominical, Spain
September 5, 1994
Inside story: 6 pages with b&w photos

Les Inrockuptibles, France
Issue # 1, 15-22 March 1995
Inside story: 7 pages, including 1 full-page color picture and 5 smaller b/w pictures

Musica, Italy
No. 118, 8 ottobre 1997
Inside story: 1,5 pages with several color photos
(DB, JA)

Shambhala Sun
September 1998
Inside story: 5 pages with 5 b/w photos
Magazines from 1960's and 70's on the first page
Magazines from 1980's and 90's on this second page
Magazines from 2000-2009 on the third page
Magazines from 2010-October 2016 on the third page
Magazines from November 2016 on the fifth page
Contributors listed on the first page of this Gallery
Last update on August 21, 2020