Les inRockuptibles, France
n° 1094 (November 16 to 22, 2016)
Inside: more than 20 pages with color and b&w pictures,
tribute by Dominique Issermann etc.
(DB, CZ)

Libération, France
Issue # 11034, November 12-13, 2016

Les inRocks2, France
Special issue , 100 pages November 2016

NIN, Serbia
Issue 3435, November 16, 2016

Kvistoteka, Croatia
Issue 1123, November 18, 2016
Inside: 2 pages with color photos

Paris Match, France
November 2016

Billboard, USA
Volume 128, Issue 30

Yediot Aharonot/24 Sha'ot, Israel
November 2016
(TS, EA)

La Jornada Semanal, Mexico
Issue # 1133, November 2016
Inside: 6 pages

Hot Press, Ireland
Issue 4021, November 2016
Inside: 14 page tribute

Jungle World/Dschungel, Germany
Issue 46, November 17, 2016
(TS, HK)

Tiedonantaja, Finland
Issue # 43, November 25, 2016
Inside: 2 pages

Rolling Stone, France
December 2016 issue

Rockdelux, Spain
Issue # 356, December 2016
Inside: 15 pages

Mojo '60s, UK
Issue # 8, December 2016
Inside: 24 pages

Esquire, Spain
December 2016

Zoomer, Canada
December 2016/January 2017 issue
Inside: 8 pages and 10 pictures (color and b&w

Soundi, Finland
Issue 11, December 2016
Inside: 6 pages

The Books' Journal, Greece
Issue 72, December 2016

Le Vif, Belgium
Collector's edition, December 2016
100 pages dedicated to Leonard Cohen (in French)
plus The Essential 2 CD

Knack, Belgium
Collector's edition, December 2016
100 pages dedicated to Leonard Cohen (in Dutch)
plus The Essential 2 CD

Rockerilla, Italy
Issue 436, December 2016

Mucchio, Italy
Issue 749, December 2016

Blow Up
Issue 224, January 2017
12 pages, 20 pictures

Rock Magazine, China
Issue 2, 2017

American Songwriter, USA
The Legends Issue, January-February 2017

Bounder, Ottawa, Canada
Winter 2016-2017 issue
Inside: two pages

Rolling Stone, Germany
Issue 267, January 2017
Inside: 8 pages + on page ad by Sony

The Ultimate Music Guide: Leonard Cohen
Collectors' Edition by Uncut, January 2017
(DB, TS)

Uncut, UK
February 2017 issue

Acoustic Guitar, Germany
Issue 2/2017
Inside: 10 pages and a CD with five acoustic guitar workshop tracks

YEDIOT AHARONOT / 24 supplement, Tel Aviv, Israel
June 8, 2017 issue
(DB from eBay)

Record Collector News, USA
Issue 64, November 2017
Inside: 10 pages, with color photos

Magazine of the Musée d'Art Moderne de Montreal, Canada
Volume 28, number 2 - Fall 2017/Winter 2018
20 pages
Editions both in English and French

Uncut, UK
March 2019 issue
Inside: 13 pages

Jewish Journal, USA
July 5-11, 2019 issue
Inside: 4 pages

Acoustic, Guitar/Techniques. The Ultimate Collection, UK
Play Like Your Heroes, 4th edition, 2019
Inside: 3 pages

Details, Canada
Issue 7, September 21, 2019
Inside: 4 pages

E (A Revista do Expresso), Portugal
Issue 2456, November 23, 2019
Inside: 8 pages with 9 pictures and review for Thanks For The Dance

OOR, The Netherlands
Issue 1, January 2020
Inside: Inside 11 pages with colour & black and white pictures

Mojo, UK
January 2020 issue (Plastic cover of the issue & cover of the magazine)
TV-Maailma, Finland
Issue 41, October 10, 2020 (JA)
Uncut, UK
March issue 2021
Inside: 13 pages
Uncut, UK
The Ultimate Music Guide: Leonard Cohen
August 11, 2022
DeLuxe edition, 148 pages